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It’s about my experience in a site in internet.
First, I have mind to making friend from around the world because I want to improve my English that so Bad. It’s been 10 month ago. So, I found some article in internet that mentioned about “sahabat pena”. How we can get a penpals, which site that brought us. And finally I found a blog which suggest me to open a site named Interpals. At that time, I was visited these site quickly. Interpals is a social media that will brought us to making some friend from around the world. The appereance have a lot of similarities with facebook.

  • There are profile picture and we can make an album of photos. This part is the first you see when we want to start making friends with someone.

  • After you seing the someone’s profile picture, and we felt interested with him/her you will open the profile. This part contains some information about what their like. Such their favorite song, favorite movie, nickname, the language they want to learn, all people online,etc. And this is a picture as part of my profile.

  • If you found something  interest in their whole profile, you can start to chatting/massage.
  • Not all people in this site are kind, if there are someone who talking about negative things and you felt disturbed, you can block their account. So they can’t found your profile.

Beside the similarities, there also different thing between facebook and interpals.

  •  You would known anypeople who visited your profile.

  •   You don’t have to add friends at the first to start a conversation.  Usually, you have to making a comfort conversation, and then you adding someone to be a friend. *JUST Usually, not of all

·         All people who are online around the world will be detected in your account.

10 month ago, I just know this site from a blog. There’s no tips from everyone to making a good conversation. So, I just doing what I want at that time. YES, I WANT TO HAVE SO MANY FRIENDS.  I’ll send a massage for everyone who detected in my account. haha LOL. Not all of them reply my chat,  maybe just a bit that reply my chat. And I felt so bored with this conversation. I choose to not playing this site again for few month until 3 month ago.
When my term 1 holiday is come, I don’t know why I open this site again.  I looked my account still quite. No inbox. Fiuh-__- Oke I’ll try to repost my profile with new  bio. I guess that I must  write it beside my really profile:

After I changed my profile with new bio, I received some massage who have the similar interest with me. Yeah, about ISLAM. And I also filter people who interested with islam in this site( I don’t send massege to all of the people again :D) I just want to describe some of my friends who have an impressive conversation.

My first friend in this site named Misbah from Deutsch. He talk to me with “Bahasa”. Wow, I’m shocked. He can talking with ‘Bahasa Indonesia”? Then he story me that he actually from Lamongan, Indonesia. He is studying Enginering in Deutsch for undergraduate program. He has already graduated from Gontor Boarding School in 2012. But,  this conversation is not long I don’t know maybe he is so busy with his college. :)

The second people that I will describe named Fayi. He is Pakistanis. 20 y.o. He is studying Computer Enginering in a university in Pakstan. We talking everything. About islam, his family, snow season, Narran falley, komodo dragon, my grammar -__-‘’, Shahru Khan, india is Pakistanis enemy, terrorist, cellphone company, etc. The conversation with him is the longest ever in interpals. from a few month ago until now there’s always one massage from him everyday. He teach me some word in Urdu. One of the world is “Khobsurat” means “Beautiful”. And once again, he is always correct my  English when I’m in wrong sentence. So, I’ve got the benefit from this site from him. I learn so many good thing . J

The third named Saeyon from Korea. I asking her about many thing related the South Korea. And also I asking her about education system, suicide, plastics surgery, and etc in there. it’s because recently I’ve often watching some Korean Drama and I don’t want catched by  Korean wave. So I’m so curious about the real live in Korea “is it as beautiful live as in drama?” she still a student in the highschool.

The fourth people is someone who make me “tercengang”.  His name is Tyler from Australi. He asking to me about “How to Convert a religion to Islam?”. He also asking me about the day afterlive and what we’ve done to convert to Islam. I was reply that massage with the fight heart :D. I can doing a little of ‘’dakwah” in this site J

And the last, not just a one people.. But many. I’ve been massage somepeople in Palestine.  I really want to know what really happend in there. And, this is a part of  my conversation with Amany in Gaza street:


It’s only the chatting. Yeah, I know. But, I wish that some of this conversation can bring benefits to me. Maybe just to improve mypoor English to be normal. Or, maybe I can do “dakwah” in this site, bring someone to………….(like me said in the article above).

On the other hand I still to be careful. Because, I just met them in the virtual, just know them from a word to word, a sentence to sentence, a paragraph to paragraph. Doing something’s benefit wid! Got the positive site, and trash the negative site!  And you know? This is my first post in this blog that full of English HAHA. So, I’m sorry that my word looked bad.




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